In September 2019, Hasbro attempted to make the game of Monopoly more equitable between the sexes. The resulting product was Ms. Monopoly: The First Game Where Women Make More Than Men.
At the start female players get more money than guys—$1,900 versus $1,500—and collect $240 for passing go, rather than the usual $200. The houses and hotels have been replaced by business headquarters in an attempt to step away from the stereotype of women being household bodies.
The property spaces have been replaced with patents that all were invented by women such as chocolate chip cookies, leak-proof diapers, paper shopping bag, the hairbrush, a beauty sponge, and modern shapewear. But, there are plenty of other inventions that would have been much more inspiring to include in a game aimed at children and young adults such as the submarine telescope and lamp, bulletproof vests, and binding material used on modern roofs.