In 2014, Hooli was formed on the HBO show Silicon Valley.
Hooli lost a major court battle to Pied Piper, which leads to the dissolution of a division of Hooli. What was left of Hooli became part of Pied Piper. Pied Piper was dissolved, so Hooli went with it.
Pied Piper built a cloud based compression platform to allow users to compress and share their files between their devices. They build a platform which contains a neural net which means that the platform improves the more files that are uploaded.
The platform proved popular with people within the tech industry but unpopular with the general public who didn’t understand how to use it. Despite offering classes to teach users how to use it, the platform was unable to get the required daily active users. The team panicked and resorted to buying fake users which poisoned the company’s reputation making it impossible to raise funding.